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Meet Catherine






Together we can break through to your God given DESTINY, to a life of freedom and fulfillment. You can find PEACE AND JOY and truly LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE! This is my heart, and the heart of God for you and your life.


​My name is Catherine and I am a Certified Christian Breakthrough Life Coach. I am a child of the Most High God, and a Daughter of the King which is my TRUE identity.  I am also a widow, a Doula, a stepmom, a sister and a friend. I have been a Pastor's wife, a business owner, a ministry leader, Bible study teacher, an adoption advocate and a social worker.


I have had the honor of serving on the Pastoral Staff at a large church for 7 years. While there I taught, trained and effectively deployed hundreds of people  into their divine design. In addition, I also worked closely with the Lead Pastor and Founder of the Life Giving Network developing a proven pathway for maximizing human development that has been tested and proven around the world with Kingdom building results. As an Identity Coach, I helped people discover their purpose, and how to unravel the complexities in life that had them tangled up so that they could live VICTORIOUSLY! This is where I find my greatest joy; this is what God created me to do, and my ultimate destiny as a Life Coach.


What I did for all these people, I CAN DO FOR YOU! 


I often say that I have a PHD in life as I have traveled down many very painful roads. I know all too well that LIFE IS HARD. We all get stuck, we feel discouraged and hopeless. Loss, grief, betrayal, abandonment and pain can rob us, blinding us to the beauty that surrounds us. By and through God’s unlimited grace and mercy, I have been healed, restored, renewed and SET FREE so I now live a victorious life that I love. YOU CAN TOO!


In our journey together, I will push you and hold you accountable, but never pressure you. This is YOUR JOURNEY, you set the pace and together we move forward one step at a time. I will listen, pray like crazy, give you tools and resources, and with God’s wisdom guiding me, I will guide you. He is the Ultimate Coach and I take my orders from Him. I will make your experience as easy and enjoyable as possible and my goal is to set you on fire so that you burn brightly for the rest of your days on this earth. Let’s make the REST of your life the BEST of your life!!

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